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Monday, March 30, 2015

Strategy For Jee-Mains Exam


Caution: Don't stick to this if you are not comfortable with it. Developing your own strategy is the best for you.

This approach is based on the examiner's mind of setting the paper .Always keep in mind that normally questions in any competitive exam can be categorized into 3 areas :

-easy - 25% questions
-average - 60% questions
-difficult - 15% questions

In this approach you attempt the paper in three rounds :

First round for easy questions and should be ideally 15% of the total time.
Second round is for average questions and should be ideally 70% of the total time.
Third round is for difficult questions and should ideally be of 15% of the total time.

So you should focus on careful selection of the easy and average questions and avoid difficult questions in the first and second round. Come back to them once you have completed the entire paper .

Always mark which questions you have done, which ones are very hard, average according to your ease. This helps in identifying which question do you need to do at a time.

While starting the second round it is recommended that you attempt the paper in reverse order . That is instead of going back to question 1, you start from last question. The reason for this is that you have just read question 120 and it is fresh to your memory so you would take less time to solve that question.

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